terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013

There is and There are

Grammar Focus

There is

There's a Tv in the bedroom.
There's no Tv in the bedroom.
There isn't a Tv in the bedroom.

There's a Tv in the living room.
There's no Tv in the living room.
There isn't a Tv in the living room.

There are

There are some chairs in the living room.
There are no chairs in the living room.
There are't any chairs in the living room.

There are some chairs in the kitchen.
There are no chairs in the kitchen.
There are't any chairs in the kitchen.

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

35 - Thrity-Five

Musical Instruments

Alguns instrumentos musicais em inglês pessoal, espero ter ajudado os músicos de plantão.

accordion - sanfona
bagpipes - gaita
banjo - banjo
bass guitar - baixo
bassoon - fagote
baton - batuta
bongo - bongô
bugle - clarim
castanets - castanholas
cello - violoncelo
clarinet - clarinete
cymbals - pratos
double bass - contrabaixo
drum - tambor
drums - bateria
drumsticks - baquetas de tambor

fiddle - violino
flute - flauta
french horn - trompa de pistões
gong - gongo
grand piano - piano de cauda
guitar - violão
harmonica - gaita de boca
harp - harpa
kettledrum - timbale
keyboard - teclado
keys - teclas
lute - alaúde
mandoline - bamdolim
maraca - maraca
oboe  - oboé
organ - órgão

piano - piano
piccolo - flautim
saxophone - saxofone
snare drum - tambor de corda
string - barbante
synthesizer - sintetizar
tambourine - pandeiro
trombone - trombone

trumpet - trombeta
tuba - tuba
violin - violino
xylophone - xilofone

sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013

34 - Thirty-Four

Reflexive Pronouns

myself - a mim mesmo, -me

I cut myself with a knife.
I painted the house myself.
Bring me a mirror. I want to look at myself.

yourself - a ti, a você mesmo(a), -te,-se

You will hurt yourself with that knife.
You have not been yourself lately.
Johny, you have to believe in yourself.

himself - a si, a ele mesmo, -se

He looked at himself in the mirror.
He himself prepared everything.
He will kill himself with that motorbike if he if not careful enough.

herself  - a si, a ela mesma, -se

She burned herself while cooking the pizza.
She herself fixed the car.
She took a knife and defended herself.

itself - a si mesmo(a), -se 

The bird threw itself into the water.
The proposal itself surprised everybody in the room.
They want to create a material that can repair itself.

ourselves - a nós mesmos(as), -nos 

We put ourselves at great risk in that situation.
We can finish the project ourselves.
Let's introduce ourselves.

yourselves - a vós, a vocês mesmos(as), -vos,-se

You all can consider yourselves lucky to be here.
As you yourselves can see, this has been very easy.
Girls, don't limit yourselves.

themselves - a si, a eles mesmos, a elas mesmas, -se

They found themselves in serious trouble.
They themselves wrote the article for the newspaper.
The boys bought themselves a dog.

33 - Thirty-Three

Recreation and Hobbies

billiards - bilhar
bowling - boliche
brainteasers - adivinhação
camping - acampamento

canoeing - canoagem
card games - jogo de baralho
carpentry - carpintaria
checkers  - damas

chess - xadrez
computing - informática
cooking - cozinha
crossword puzzle - jogo de palavras cruzadas

cycling - ciclismo
dancing - dança
darts - jogo de dardos
dice - dados

dominoes - dominó
drawing - desenho
embroidery - bordado
engraving - gravação

fishing - pesca
gambling - jogos de azar
gardening - jardinagem
hang-gliding - asa delta

hiking - caminhada
horseback riding - equitação
hunting - caça
jigsaw puzzle - quebra-cabeças

jogging - corrida
knitting - tricô
marbles - bolinhas de gude
mountaineering - alpinismo

painting - pintura
parachuting - pára-quedismo
photography - fotografía
pool - sinuca

pot-holing - caldeirão
pottery - cerâmica
reading - leitura
riddles - adivinhação

sculpting - escultura
sewing - costura
singing - canto
skating - patinação

skiing - esqui
stamp collecting - coleção de selos
surfing - surfe
video games - 'video game'

yoga - ioga

quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

32 - Thirty-Two


artichoke - alcachofra
asparagus - aspargo
beans - feijão
beet - beterraba
bell pepper - pimentão
broad beans - favas
broccoli  - brócolis
Brussels sprouts - couve de bruxelas
cabbage  - repolho
carrot - cenoura
cauliflower - couve flor
celery - aipo
chard - acelga
chick peas - grão de bico
chilli - pimenta
cucumber - pepino

eggplant - berinjela
fennel - erva doce
garlic - alho
green onion - cebolinha verde
leek - alho-porro
lentils - lentilhas
lettuce - alface
mushrooms - cogumelo
onion - cebola
parsley - salsinha
peas - ervilhas
pepper - pimenta
potato - batata
pumpkin - abóbora, cabaça
spinach - espinafre
squash - abóbora, zapallo
string beans - vagem
sweet corn - milho
sweet potato - batata doce
tomato - tomate

turnip - nabo
watercress - agrião
zucchini - abobrinha

31 - Thirty-one

Parts of the house 

cellar - celeiro
chimney - chaminé
deck - terraço
dining room - sala de jantar

door - porta
door handle - maçaneta da porta
doorbell - campainha da porta
driveway - estrada para carros

fence - cerca
fence gate - porta da cerca
floor - assoalho, chão
front yard - pátio frontal

garage - garagem
garden - jardim
garden shed - cesto de flores
ground floor - térreo

hall - vestíbulo, 'hall'
hallway - corredor
hedge - cobertura
key - chave

kitchen - cozinha
laundry room - área de serviço
lawn - gramado
living room - sala de estar

lock - fechadura
mailbox - caixinha do correio
pantry - despensa
patio - pátio

peephole - olho mágico
pool - piscina
porch - pórtico
roof - telhado

room - quarto
skylight - clarabóia
staircase - escada
steps - degraus

study - sala de estudos
utility room - despensa
veranda - galeria, varanda
wall - parede

window - janela

30 - Thirty

Grammar Focus

Simple present statements

I walk to work.
You ride your bike to work.
He works near here.
She takes the car to work.
We live with our parents.
They use public transportation.


I don't live far from here.
You don't live near here.
He doesn't work downtown.
She doesn't drive to shcool.
We don't live alone.
They don't need a bus.

don't = do not
doesn't = does not

Verbs endings: He, she, it
Walk - walks
Ride - rides
Work - works
Study - stuies
Live - lives
Watch - watches
Use - Uses